Fully Vectorized Databases VS Cloud Databases

2 min readSep 10, 2021

A database is the collection of organized, easy to access, manageable, and updated information. Database systems play a crucial role for businesses of all types because they can provide and organize different kinds of information, including product inventory, sales transactions, marketing activities, and even customer profiles.

Many people ask: what is the difference between a fully Vectorized database and a cloud database. In today’s article, we will answer this question and highlight these two databases’ key features. Read on!

Fully Vectorized Databases

A fully Vectorized database is a collection of digital vector backbones made up of commercially available sources. The primary purpose of a fully Vectorized database is to keep numeric values in a sorted structure, such as a B-Tree. It also allows for answering the range queries dynamically through a binary search instead of a linear scan.

A fully vectorized database views data as interconnected vectors organized in sets. Because these databases are multi-dimensional, they are powerful than traditional databases. Such databases can add many layers on top of each data point. As a result, you achieve a rich dataset.

A vector database sorts the vectors in space and retrieves different relevant points without applying classifiers to all data points. Such databases allow companies to represent vector data with topographic features rather than using the taster data model.

The primary advantage of vectorized databases is that they allow for search and data mining, making them suitable for all types of business use cases. In addition, vector databases support complex search capabilities and have lower latency times for queries. You can also use vectorized databases to perform your company’s data algorithmic transformations.

Cloud Databases

A cloud database is a service that you can build and access through a cloud platform. Research shows that cloud databases serve a wide range of functions with the flexibility of cloud computing technologies. A cloud database allows businesses to host different databases without purchasing dedicated hardware.

The primary benefit of cloud databases is that you can manage them or let the provider manage them. Cloud databases support relational databases, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL, and NoSQL databases, Apache Couch DB and MongoDB. In addition, you can use a web interface or vendor’s API to access these databases from remote locations.

Cloud databases offer excellent scalability, meaning you can expand their storage capacities to meet your requirements. Likewise, cloud databases are pay-as-you-go services, saving you a lot of money. Disaster recovery is another benefit of cloud databases because it allows you to keep your data secure through remote servers and backups.

Moreover, cloud databases also offer state-of-the-art security protocols, including data encryption measures. Cloud databases are easy to access, secured, and offer simple maintenance capabilities. However, make sure your IT team maintains the underlying infrastructure, especially when using virtual machine images.

Final Words

Fully vectorized and cloud databases are beneficial in their own ways. You can choose any of them depending on your business requirements. However, cloud databases are securer, organized, easily accessible, and affordable.

